Trimble Global Positioning Systems

Trimble ScoutMaster GPS Trimble Mobile GPS Locator 110

ScoutMaster GPS - Land Navigation Field Mapping Kit
Mobile GPS Locator 110 - GPS Sensor for Mobile Computers

What the heck is a Global Positioning System?
A non-technical introduction!

Imagine being able to pinpoint your position anywhere on the face of the earth 24 hours a day - down to an accuracy of 100 feet (30 metres). And in any kind of weather, blinding rain or driving snow white-out. And on any surface - land, sea or air.

The Global Positioning System utilises the $13 billion geostationary satellite system developed by the US department of defence. Access is free to all users and provides accurate location and timing information. GPS is literally revolutionising a host of activities including air, land and sea navigation, vehicle and vessel tracking, surveying and mapping, asset and natural resource management, and network synchronisation.

Imagine you are Bo-Peep and you are leading your sheep from one point to another. Using your ScoutMaster hand-held GPS you record your location at the point of starting. Along the way you store your position at regular intervals. Lost your sheep? You just backtrack using the ScoutMaster and it will guide you to each of the stored locations (of course give your sheepdog one of these and he'll do the job for you!). No more lost sheep!

It is rumoured that Mary's Little Lamb used a ScoutMaster to keep tabs on her mistress.

Ok, now you are Goldilocks, intent on finding the house of the Three Bears. You know the general location so you do a structured search in the woods. Record your start location and start searching. When you find the house - record the location - and any time you feel like a bowl of porridge the ScoutMaster will guide you right back to the spot. Alternatively use the start location and direction finding facilities of the ScoutMaster to find your way home. Very useful for those occasions when you need to get out of a tight spot fast.

Apart from hand-held GPS, Trimble also supply a number of computer ready products to interface to applications. These devices can connect to a serial port or a PCMCIA slot on a mobile computer.

GPS are becoming an essential tool for all kinds of mobile activities in both the professional and recreational field. If you have the need to know where you are or record your location for future reference - then GPS is the solution for you and Trimble are The GPS Solution.

Trimble: The GPS Solution

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